

Customer issues

No. There is no minimum. You can just make one order a year!

There are two ways: using our website or our Phone App.

You only need to book 30 minutes in advance if the first delivery is within travel zone 1, one hour in advance if in travel zone 2 and 1.5–2 hours if further out of .

The courier will ask you to sign in the app on his/her smartphone. In addition, the courier will contact you before arriving at the address so you will be able to identify him/her.

How we work

We have tried to answer all your questions about delivering for online stores here.

No, the courier will deliver the goods in the same packaging they were collected in.

Booking and changing an order

When you fill in the form, you can use the free Preferred Courier service in your online account. You can choose couriers you have used before and whom you have given a 5 star rating. Your chosen courier will receive a message that you would like them to deliver your order. If the courier wants to take the order, he/she clicks on it.

Yes, as long as this time is sufficient for the courier to get from one address to the other.

On the form, add your collection point separately as a return address.

Yes. We will mark the order for a car if the item weighs more than 15 kg. However, you will be charged a different delivery price, see rates.

We don't know in advance what car the courier is driving. To make sure you get a courier whose car is big enough, specify the dimensions and weight of the item. You will get responses from couriers who have cars big enough to fulfil your order.

If you change the order after the courier has set off, you will be charged ₹ 200. You can make changes through your online account or by phone, but these changes have to be agreed with the courier.

Booking and changing an order

We can always find a courier, the only issue is time. For example, it can sometimes take up to an hour to find a courier if you book a courier on Friday, which is the busiest day of the week.

Our system works on the basis of responses. So far, no couriers have responded to your order. Depending on the day and the route, it can take from one minute to an hour to find a courier.

You will receive a text message or email. The recipient will also receive a text message notifying them that the courier is coming (unless the delivery is a surprise).